Pianist and wacky song enthusiast Mandee Madrid-Sikich talks all things Lieder related (and not related!). Composers, poets, cultural contexts, piano settings, German romanticism - if it has to do with song, you better believe it's included in this podcast! Each episode covers a different song and is complete with special guest appearances and performances of the chosen songs.
You can find Mandee on Instagram @liedernerd and on You Tube as Mandee Madrid-Sikich.

First Episodes

Erlkönig: Goethe and Schubert

Mandee is joined by special guest host Ben Offringa to discuss Schubert’s first published song, the infamous Erlkönig. Creepy/fascinating/thrilling/exhausting stuff to...

Schumann: Frauenliebe und Leben

Attention! Attention! In today’s episode we cover a composer other than Schubert… This is not a drill! I repeat: this is NOT a drill!!! In a special episode of the ge...

Der Zwerg: Franz Schubert and Matthäus von Collin

Today's episode features a truly THRILLING neo-gothic horror story complete with misty mountains, a glassy sea, a double crossing queen and her murderous companion. Ma...

Schilflied: Felix Mendelssohn and Niklaus Lenau

In 1845 Mendelssohn made a copy of his song Schilflied with a tiny, unexpected masterpiece in the top left hand corner of the manuscript. Find out all about it in this...

Andres Maienlied 'Hexenlied': Felix Mendelssohn

Witches, Witchcraft, Paganism! What does any of that have to do with Lieder and why should we talk about it? Find out all that and more in today's looooooooong awaited...

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